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Equality and Diversity at Newtown

We are an inclusive organisation and welcome children and their families from all backgrounds, all faiths and none, and from all cultures. We do not discriminate against anyone including those with protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.


Newtown Primary School is all about our community. We celebrate diversity throughout our school.


We believe all children should be: 
  • Respected

  • Heard

  • Valued

  • Celebrated

  • Included

  • Loved


Our staff follow and put into practice national and local policies and guidelines on equality in education, support for disability and special needs, moral and religious education and child protection and safeguarding.


We aim to provide every child the encouragement and opportunity:

  • To develop and build on earlier learning.

  • To be active, enthusiastic, thoughtful and responsive.

  • To experience new learning through a planned curriculum which covers appropriate aspects of language, social, cultural, moral, emotional, cognitive, mathematical, scientific, creative and physical development both indoors and outdoors.

  • To take part in all activities, which are organised to take into account different languages, cultural experiences, backgrounds, beliefs and abilities.

  • To progress in all ways, by using our professional knowledge to assess the educational achievements of young children.

  • To feel happy and safe in a caring environment.


Teaching and learning at Newtown reflects the diversity of our school community and does not predominantly focus on white male achievement. Pupils are exposed to learning which explores a balance of equality and diversity including women's history, disability history, a range of faiths and non-faiths and BAME projects.


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